A workshop weekend that was both fun and studious

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Our workshop weekend in Brussels really kicked off the season: new repertoire, choreography, discussion groups, quizzes… Two days that enabled the group to get up to speed for its next show Queeroes.

Sing Out Brussels! singers met at GC Het Huys (Uccle) on Saturday 5 October and at GC Den Dam (Auderghem) on Sunday 6 October. The focus was on learning the season’s new repertoire with our choir director Emily Allison, with a view to the Queeroes show we’ll be presenting in April at the Uccle Cultural Centre.

As well as learning the new songs harmonised by our fabulous arrangers, we’ve also started learning the choreographies with the help of the volunteers who created them. Always an acrobatic exercise!

The weekend was also marked by a participatory information session on the Various Voices festival that we are organising in June 2026 in Brussels. This session was led by Simon Paco, the festival’s artistic director, who presented the themes of the major shows proposed during the festival and invited the choristers to share their suggestions and points of attention in relation to these themes. The team organising the festival also took the opportunity to pass on some practical information to the choir members, as the festival is becoming a reality, with over 50 choirs already registered.

On Sunday, members took part in discussion groups devoted to our repertoire and the selection process. The aim was to explain how the repertoire was chosen by our Joy Team and to assess how this choice could be made more participatory so that it would attract wider support. At the same time, a group of choristers took advantage of the fine weather to take a stroll around the Rouge Cloître district.

A weekend would not be complete without some festive moments. On Saturday evening, after the buffet prepared by Apus et les Cocottes Volantes, the choristers took part in a very amusing quiz prepared by one of our members, which enabled us to measure our knowledge of the life of the choir and the anecdotes that punctuate its history. The evening continued with a karaoke session.

Work will now continue every Wednesday evening in preparation for our next concerts: La Nuit positive on 15 December and Queeroes on 26 April.