The importance of our project summed up by RTBF

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A team from Vews followed our choir behind the scenes as it prepared for the “School’s out” show in June 2023.

Why an LGBTQI+ choir? That’s the question journalists Sophie Léonard and Sarah Devaux asked themselves when they got in touch with us last spring. We asked them to join us in the preparations for our show “School’s out” and to meet our choir members.

The choir members who testify in this report, a written account of which can be found on the RTBF website, talk first and foremost about their search for a safe space in which to develop, both humanly and musically. They also highlight the impact that singing can have on society.

Vidéo Vews – RTBF Info

The programme “Le Réveil de Tipik” also featured this report in its “La minute Vews” section. The programme included a blind test with two of our songs, one of which caused a few problems for the presenters. You can listen to the sequence here.

This report is a very good summary of the life of our choir and the importance it plays in the lives of our members. The video is also available on our social networks Instagram and Facebook. Don’t hesitate to share it!