An LGBTQI+ awareness evening in Woluwé-Saint-Pierre

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With the artist Biche de Ville, our choir gave a concert at an evening to raise awareness of LGBTQI+ rights organised by the municipality of Woluwé-Saint-Pierre. The evening rounded off our Pride Week concert marathon.

Before the concert, a number of associations were on hand to inform the public about their day-to-day activities in support of the rights of LGBTQIA+ communities. They included Le Refuge, GrIS Wallonie-Bruxelles, Amnesty International and L-Tour.

Then it was time for the show! Sing Out Brussels! opened the evening with a presentation of their new repertoire, which will also be performed at the end-of-season show Various Voices Rising.

In the second half, Biche de Ville premiered her one-woman show Biche Boy. A poignant and intimate text, magnificently declaimed, which aroused a great deal of emotion in the audience and a long standing ovation.

A BX1 journalist was present in the room and devoted a podcast to this special evening. Listen here (from 2:00:00).

‘In the face of prejudice and violence against the LGBTQIA+ community, it remains vital to raise awareness at local level to promote full and equal rights, with the essential support of the voluntary sector,’ says Carine Kolchory, Woluwé-Saint-Pierre’s equal opportunities councillor.