Sing Out Brussels! recently travelled to Bristol, UK to take part in the UK & Ireland’s biennial LGBTQI+ choir festival, Hand in Hand, from 16 to 18 August 2024.
Author: singoutbrussels
Let’s Zing Ensemble at Bozar
On Sunday 23 June, Sing Out Brussels! took part in an inspiring event organised by Bozar to mark ten years of bringing together choirs and other singers from all over the capital.
Chosen Family
Inspired by Voces Gaudii’s performance at our recent concert, Various Voices Rising, Sing Out member Kit reflects on the idea of chosen family.
The Wall in My Head – Our new music video
We are delighted to be sharing our new music video with you. Recorded at Jet Studio, “The Wall in My Head” is a first glimpse of a new album from Sing Out Brussels!
Various Voices Rising – Three choirs united for European solidarity
Our Various Voices Rising show brought together on stage three European LGBTQI+ choirs: Voces Gaudii (Poland), DynamiQ Voices (Utrecht) and of course Sing Out Brussels! The show was organised as a prelude to the Various Voices European LGBTQI+ Choir Festival that we are organising in 2026.
An LGBTQI+ awareness evening in Woluwé-Saint-Pierre
With the artist Biche de Ville, our choir gave a concert at an evening to raise awareness of LGBTQI+ rights organised by the municipality of Woluwé-Saint-Pierre. The evening rounded off our Pride Week concert marathon.
Singing Brussels Pride
Our choir took part in Brussels Pride on May 18, 2024. Singing, of course! In the parade, on the main stage and also at the Grands Carmes as part of Pride Week.
Sing Out associated with the signing of a European commitment to LGBTQI+ rights
With just a few weeks to go before the elections, 18 EU Member States have pledged to pursue policies designed to strengthen the rights of the LGBTQI+ community. Our choir sang at the signing of this pledge.
Lesbian Visibility Day – ‘Do you see us now!’
To mark Lesbian Visibility Day, Sing Out Brussels! organized a pop-up concert at the Brussels Bourse to honor the members of our choir who identify as lesbians.
Another magical weekend in Hastière
Sing Out Brussels! returned to the Kaleo d’Hastière gîte for another workshop weekend. On the menu: learning new songs, delicious meals, a walk in the forest, time to discuss our projects and a line-dancing lesson!