Opening of Fame Festival

Sing Out Brussels! sang on September 19 for the opening of this new feminist and queer festival in Brussels.

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“You’re welcome in this choir”

Sing Out Brussels! started rehearsing again on Wednesday 7 September. This season, our choir has over 70 members, including about 20 new faces. Here is the welcome speech given at the start of the new season.

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Auditions, a crucial moment in the life of our community

Our rehearsals resume on September 7 and we will welcome a dozen new members, who have successfully passed the milestone of our auditions. A crucial process. Our president Christophe tells how he experienced it very intensely and emotionally.

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Dance with Pride : a fabulous success!

After two and a half years without concerts, we finally found our audience. The experience that we have all shared over the past two years has given added meaning to this show. Because if we missed the public, the dance, the party and the glitter too!

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Celebrating our Pride in the Brussels streets!

Belgian Pride gathered 120,000 people in the streets of Brussels. Sing Out Brussels! took part in the Parade by singing. Two singers share their feelings after this day.

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